An aloe based gel that works amazing as a first aid kit in a jar. This is our best seller and where Forever Natural started way back in 2015.
Great for helping with burns, bruises, insect bites, wounds, cuts, eczema, psoriasis, itchy skin and more.
Contains antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic and antiviral essential oils. You will love this gel once you’ve seen the benefits.
Avail in a 50ml and 100ml glass jar.
FatimaBD –
Such a great addition to my natural first aid kit! Soothes and heals wonderfully.
Aziza Baradien –
I absolutely love this product and amazed at how quickly healing happens just from one application. Definitely something I will keep in my house. As a mom, perfect for cuts, bites and I have even used it on my own breakouts for fast healing.
Ameera –
The SOS in the hajj pack was of much need
It softened the heels and provided cooling relief alhamdulillah
Its a great gift to give to family and friends Going for hajj and umrah